Kick-off Meeting in Valladolid
On May 30th and 31st, all the partners of the BaaS project, funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme, met to have the Kick-off meeting, organized and held by the coordinator partner CARTIF on its premises.
Here you can find some photographs of the consortium:
Some pictures of the Kick off Meeting
During the meeting, the bases of the next months’ work were established as well as discussed some questions regarding technical tasks and also financial aspects. It was a two days meeting, where all partners were represented.
The project coordinator, César Valmaseda, gave an overview of the objectives and challenges of BaaS and briefly described the test-beds, demo sites and work packages (WP) structure. He also presented the meeting objectives: to present BaaS project, to explain each partner’s responsibilities, to define the work plan for the next 6 months, and to present some project management procedures.
Then, each partner introduced his/her organization in more details, including the staff participating in the project. Test-beds or demonstration buildings were presented in more details by the owners and partners responsible for them, showing among other aspects the design and the energy efficiency measures proposed and adopted.
After that, each leader made a review of his/her WP, focusing on the work plan at long/medium/short term: partners involved and their role & responsibilities, efforts, objectives, tasks, milestones, deliverables and expected results. During each presentation there was an open debate to discuss different approaches, to identify interactions with other WPs and solve some doubts.
Finally a general review of some legal and financial issues was done to remind everyone the rules and procedures to be applied during the project lifetime.