BaaS Project Meetings
Until now, the BaaS project has celebrated six project meetings where the Work Packages, currents status, next steps and the related discussions have been the main content. During these meeting all the consortium have been represented, at least, by the responsible of the partner. In all the meetings an agenda including the trip recommendations (flights, hotels and venue) was distributed before the celebration and the minutes summarising the activities and the agreements were shared.
The following meetings are the finished ones:
- Kick-off meeting celebred in Valladolid and organized by CARTIF as project coordinator.
- 2nd periodic meeting celebrated in Crete and organized by TUC.
- 3rd periodic meeting celebrated in Kassel and organized by Fraunhofer.
- 4th periodic meeting celebrated in Madrid and organized by Dalkia.
- 1st review review meeting celebrated in Brussels and organized by CARTIF.
- 5th periodic meeting celebrated in Vienna and organized by UCC.
- 6th periodic meeting celebrated in Brussels and organized by CARTIF.
- 7th periodic meeting celebrated in Prague and organized by Honeywell.
- 2nd review meeting celebrated in Granada and organized by CARTIF.
- 3rd review meeting celebrated in Brussels and organized by CARTIF