BaaS Project was presented in the CESB 2013 conference
Central Europe towards Sustainable Building Prague 2013 (CESB13) event is a part of 2013 international conferences series convened under auspices of the four international organizations iiSBE, CIB, UNEP-SBCI and FIDIC. BaaS was presented in such conference during the 26-28 of June celebrated in Prague (Czeck Republic).
The topics presented in the conference were the following:
Sustainable refurbishment of existing building stock: Examples of sustainable modernizations and refurbishments of existing buildings, sustainable revitalizations of urban areas
Industrial heritage regeneration: Industrial heritage in urban context, adaptive reuse possibilities, public spaces conversion, regeneration initializing activities, industrial heritage tourism
Low-tech and high-tech materials and technologies for sustainable buildings: Sustainable use of materials, renewable, recycled and alternative natural materials, high performance materials, sustainable production of materials
Integrated building design: Net zero energy buildings, passive buildings, renewable energy utilization, functional and operational performance of buildings, indoor environment, optimization and simulation tools
Decision-supoprt tools and assessment methods: Sustainable building assessment methods, optimization tools, benchmarking and regional aspects, certification, life cycle costing
Sustainable building in education: Implementation of sustainable building principles into education at different stages - secondary schools, universities, lifetime education, public awareness and dissemination