WP6: Demonstration of the Baas System


The following activities are planned:

  1. Using the theoretical case studies defined in WP1, in WP6 two representative Demonstration Buildings will be selected as demonstration sites covering at least two of the eight typologies of the Application Domain,
  2. Implement in the Demonstration Buildings along with the measurement and verification methodology (developed in WP1),
  3. Evaluating performance the measurement and verification methodology defined in WP1 will be implemented,
  4. A comprehensive validation procedure to ensure correct functionality, usability and interoperability of the BaaS system, recording and calculation of savings will be performed,
  5. The implementation of this WP will provide feedback to the RTD work packages (WP2, WP3, WP4, and WP5), identifying potential inconsistencies and/or providing real value.


The buildings to be used as test-beds have been selected according to the following minimum specifications: (1) a BMS should be installed to manage all energy-influencing subsystems; (2) advanced metering systems should be installed (natural gas and electricity meters); (3) self-generation systems like cogeneration or RES should be installed, to validate prosumer managing concepts, (4) substantial monitoring and control capabilities so that nonconventional control strategies can be implemented and energy performance before and after the BaaS component installation can be monitored and compared, and (5) availability of existing performance data, already obtained by direct monitoring or modelling.

Task 6.1: Selection of pilot buildings

Two Demonstration Buildings will be selected for implementation of the BaaS solution – special care will be given to ensure that each pilot (demonstration building) is representative of the corresponding typology of building.

Task 6.2: Preparation of Pilots for the implementation and evaluation of the BaaS system

All planning, subcontracting and monitoring retrofitting actions are performed, necessary for adapting the pilots according to the BaaS implementation requirements.

Task 6.3: Implementation of measurement and verification M&V methodology in each Pilot: M&V Plan, Baselining and Reporting

At a minimum, each M&V Plan will include: Energy Conservation Measures (ECM) intent, measurement boundary, Baseline (Period, energy and conditions), reporting period, basis of adjustment, analysis procedure, energy prices, meter specifications, monitoring responsibilities, expected accuracy, budget, quality assurance. 

Task 6.4: Deployment of the BaaS ECM in the pilots

This task will be to develop the effective implementation of the complete BaaS System on each pilot. This task will start after the monitoring systems have been commissioned and after the baseline period required by the M&V plan (a year at most) has completed.

As the validation of the whole system will be based in a Measurement & Verification Protocol implementation, this first stage of demonstration buildings selection will be followed by the preparation of pilots to baseline period (MS3), the solution installation (MS5) and reporting of savings to final user validation (MS6).


In this first stage of the project, demonstration buildings have been selected, defined (building general information, installed energy systems, existing monitoring and control systems) and analysed in order to adapt the buildings to implement the BaaS solution and the M&V protocol selected (IPMVP) in WP1. Thus, this is the beginning of the second phase of the demonstration, were the main inefficiencies of the buildings will be analysed in order to implement the appropriate Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) in the BaaS context.


Work package leader: MSc.Eng. Javier Martín < javier.martin@veolia.comThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. >. Dalkia Energía y Servicios. Madrid (Spain)


  • Fundación CARTIF
  • NEC Laboratories Europe.
  • Honeywell Prague Laboratory.
  • Fraunhofer IBP.
  • Technical University of Crete.
  • University Colleage of Cork-Iruse