WP2: Building Data - Interoperability and Standardization
This work package aims on improving building data interoperability and standardization. Specifically, the work package objective is to collect, aggregate, integrate and use the existing buildings’ product and process data and data models. It is concerned with interoperability and standardization of the data modeling (static and dynamic data). Therefore, in this work package we will specify and develop an extended data warehouse and a Building Information Model (BIM) based on standardized data model and functions.
The starting point will be the current initiatives and on-going projects working on complementary topics and with aligned technological interests to exchange information and share experiences (BuildingSMART, HESMOS, CAMPUS-21) on developing and using an updated “Enhanced BIM with EE and FM extensions” (ISO/PAS 16739 and the newer version IFC2x4 which has a more comprehensive coverage in the data model of systems, sensors, controls).
These WP’s activities will be in charge of providing data (in the operation and maintenance building stage) supporting the requirements of energy models, simulations and algorithms addressed at the proposal (WP4 and WP5).
Information and data collected from multiple sources needs to be consolidated, integrated, aggregated and pre-arranged for complex data-mining processes. The Extended Data Warehouse will be the main consolidated data source of the BaaS network and contains all relevant product, process and performance data of the built artfactsto be managed.
Task 2.1: Data Warehouse Requirements and extended BIM Specification
This task is in charge of developing a Building Information Model (BIM) specification utilizing formal standard definitions (data & functions) of engineering building components (e.g. pumps, valves), systems (e.g. Air handling units, heat pumps, solar panels) and sensors (temperature, relative humidity, CO2, VOC’s) as specified by professional engineering institutions CIBSE and ASHRAE.
Task 2.2: Data Warehouse
In this task, using off-the shelf software tools, it will be developed a data warehouse that will aggregate the raw data from the BIM and monitoring system, including monitoring and targeting of environmental and energy resources for single and multiple building portfolios, to support facility management activities.
Task 2.3: Standardized information exchange protocols
This task is in charge of designing and implementing the BIM specification from Task 2.1 using an ISO standard data model to facilitate seamless interoperability of the BIM with upstream activities that include data warehousing. ICT Building Blocks and downstream activities.
Task 2.4: Data imputation, Uncertainty propagation and Data integrity
In this task a methodology to address the identified inconsistencies in data will be developed.
Task 2.5: Prototype deployment and validation
This task will work on a DW connected to the Middleware Platform (WP3), using IFC and ifcXML files, with functional capacity to deal with uncertainty.

Work package leader: Dr. Karsten Menzel <
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>. University College of Cork-Iruse. Cork (Ireland).
- Fundación CARTIF.
- NEC Laboratories Europe.
- Technical University of Crete.